Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • Before you get started

    • Let's download & Install Unity

    • Understanding the interface

    • Move, Rotate & Scale!

    • Parent & Child (not literally, but you know...)

    • Move things with code!

    • Let's get started with CODING in C#!

    • Let's learn about Variables!

    • So, how do we use Variables?

    • Using variables to control movement

    • Understanding Vectors!

    • If Statements

    • Let's add "Action Inputs"

    • And now "Axis Inputs"

    • Working with collisions!

    • Script Interaction

    • Setting up UI (User Interface)

    • Manipulating UI elements through code!

    • Triggers and collectibles

    • Introduction to Functions

    • YOU WIN! Creating a win menu!

    • Activating our Win Menu

    • User Interface: Anchors & Buttons!

    • Lose Conditions!

    • And the final touches