Unity: Level 1 (3D Games Design)
Before you get started
Let's download & Install Unity
Understanding the interface
Move, Rotate & Scale!
Parent & Child (not literally, but you know...)
Move things with code!
Let's get started with CODING in C#!
Let's learn about Variables!
So, how do we use Variables?
Using variables to control movement
Understanding Vectors!
If Statements
Let's add "Action Inputs"
And now "Axis Inputs"
Working with collisions!
Script Interaction
Setting up UI (User Interface)
Manipulating UI elements through code!
Triggers and collectibles
Introduction to Functions
YOU WIN! Creating a win menu!
Activating our Win Menu
User Interface: Anchors & Buttons!
Lose Conditions!
And the final touches
Lesson 1- Creating Project & Player Movement
Lesson 2- Walls & Enemies
Lesson 3- Enemy Spawner
Lesson 4- Player Shooting
Lesson 5- Player Health & Damage
Lesson 6- Health Packs
Lesson 7- Player Score
Lesson 8- Game Over Menu
Lesson 1- Creating Project & Skybox
Lesson 2- Player Movement & Camera
Lesson 3- Player Jump
Lesson 4- Air Dash
Lesson 5- Building Level
Lesson 6- Points
Lesson 7- Killbox & Timer
Lesson 8- Finishing the Game
Lesson 1- Creating Project & Player Controller
Lesson 2- Obstacles
Lesson 3- Score System & Difficulty Increase
Lesson 4- Game Over Menu
Lesson 1- Creating Project & Player
Lesson 2- Enemy & Level
Lesson 3- Gems
Lesson 4- Game Over Menu
Lesson 1- Creating Project & Player
Lesson 2- Coins
Lesson 3- Road Tiles
Lesson 4- Game Over Menu