Computing Basics - Level 1
Unlock the world of programming for kids ages 6-8. Develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills through fun activities and engaging lessons.
Getting Started in Scratch!
Moving Scratchy!
Forever Loops!
Pressing Keys!
Controlling Scratchy!
Creating an Objective!
Drawing a Maze!
Finishing the Game!
Setting Up the Game!
Moving the Character!
Moving the Ball!
Random Bouncing Ball!
Points System!
Finishing the Game!
Submit Your Game!
Following the Mouse!
Falling Food!
Attack of the Food Clones!
Randomising the Food!
Catching the Snacks!
Polishing the Game!
Submit Your Game!
Setting Up the Game!
Buying Food with our Points!
Automatic Points!
More Foods and More Points!
List of Foods!
Creating a User Interface!
Upgrading the Clicker!
The Golden Scratchy!
Submit Your Game!
Creating the Player!
Making Our Own Blocks!
Flying Through Space!
Creating Our First Enemy!
Defeating the Player!
Shooting at the Enemy!
Waves of Enemies!
Creating a Mini Boss!
Defeating the Mini Boss!
The Mini Boss Strikes Back!
Rewarding the Player!
Adding Sounds and Music!
Adding More Waves!
Creating the Final Boss!
Submit Your Game!
Setting Up Super Dude Man!
Creating the First Level!
Super Dude Man Jump!
Rearranging Our Code!
Collectable Coins!
Changing Levels!
Adding in a Trap!
Creating a Robot Enemy!
Deactivating the Robot Enemy!
Designing Our Levels!
Winning the Game!
Polishing Our Game!
Submit Your Game!
Bonus Project!
Introducing Pen Blocks!
Adding a Player!
Drawing Lines!
Resetting the Player!
Adding an Enemy Player!
Adding a Points System!